If You Were More Honest

7:24 AM

Hola readers!

Maybe you consider yourself someone who doesn't lie, who's honest with people and doesn't stretch the truth.

I thought I was getting better at not stretching the truth or 'white lying' as some people call it. That was until I watched I Love Lucy and Ricky bets Lucy that she won't be able to go 24 hours without lying. 
Of course the episode is hilarious as Lucy goes about finding she has to be - at times - brutally honest with people and how much she really does lie, from having to let her friend know how horrible her furniture is, to telling her husband what she really thinks about him when he asks. 
And it showed me something too: How much I lie. 

I never realized it before, but am I honest when someone asks how I'm doing? If a friend asks how I like her outfit or makeup, do I truly tell her I'm not a fan? If someone asks me to pray and I say, "sure I will," and go by weeks...or forever...without doing so, do I consider myself a liar?

What if honesty was all I had for a day? A week? A lifetime? What if I had to be honest with people no matter what?
Would I have told my boss what my coworker did behind his back? When the pastor asked, "if you need prayer, come up front so we can pray for you," would I get out of my seat? If someone asked for prayer, would I, knowing how easily it is to forget, pray for them right there? If a friend asked you why you were avoiding her, would you tell her the truth? If you were asked why you were currently without a job, would you be bluntly honest that you really haven't looked that hard?

If I took honesty as seriously as God sees it, would I tell people more openly why I don't cuss? Would  I give more credit to God for the things only He could have done in my life? Would I let people know when I'm not OK? If I disagree with something theologically, would I be willing to say it in a more honest way instead of backing down out of intimidation?

It's easy to call myself someone who tells the truth. It's easy to say I'm as honest as possible. It's easy to be honest when I don't get hurt or get placed in a sticky situation. It's easy to sit here and write this post. It's just as easy for you to read it.

It's not so easy to be the one lovingly speaking the truth no matter what anyone else thinks.

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18 of your thoughts

  1. Wow. Thanks for being so honest and open in this post, Kara.

    Honesty is something I struggle with a lot. This post is exactly what I needed to hear today.

    1. I'm sorry this is something you struggle in but you are not alone! I've struggled with lying and stretching the truth for years and to come out of that has been a very hard journey.
      God's got this!

  2. Wow... powerful words right here! Thank you for sharing this- I really needed the reminder. xx

    1. I needed the reminder too...haha. It was something God laid on my heart and it just kept staying there. I've always struggled with this, and to know that sometimes even 'social lies' can seep through never occurred to me until watching the show sadly enough.

  3. This is such a huge struggle for me in real life...I'm so scared to share my real feelings on things and it isn't always a good story...lying in the longrun is destructive.

    Thank you for your honesty and powerful reminders <3 It's so encouraging to see people dealing with the same things and trying to do better. xxx

    1. Well Anna, as I said in a comment up above: You. Are. Not. Alone.
      I've struggled with being open and honest with people for so so long! If you ever want to chat about it I can @ authorkaralynn@gmail.com - I'm here for you and I'll be praying. It's such a trap to not be open and honest.
      Keep staying strong!

  4. Wow Kara! Thank you for the new view on things. I'm pretty sure I never thought that those were lies-until you mentioned that they were! Thank you Kara!

    1. I know - isn't it funny how the devil lies to us (no pun intended) about what's no lying just to trap us? Imagine if the church was more honest, if married couples and people in general were more honest with each other? So many things would be resolved!!

  5. I love this, you have a very good perspective and I enjoyed reading your thoughts! I think we could all work on this. Thanks Kara <3

    1. This is something we can all work on, for sure! Thanks so much for your sweet encouragement. <3

  6. This is so thought-provoking, wow. <3

  7. Thank you for sharing this, Kara! I just stumbled upon your blog, and this was convicting to me! I'm not a avid liar... but I admit I skirt around issues when I think it will hurt someone to hear the blunt truth. Thank you!
    Blessing in Christ,
    Bri from www.forget-not-his-benefits.blogspot.com

    1. Aww thank you for commenting on my corner of the world Bri. I think we all tend to 'tell social lies' and not really consider it lying, so it's something we can all work on.

  8. This post made me think a lot so thank you for that. I think all of us are liars even if we want to say we’re not.

    1. YES we're all liars - it's so true and sad that many people don't realize it.

  9. Wow, this post is powerful - I've never thought about lying in this way before. Honesty is something I value a lot - it's something I strive for, and I really appreciate in others - so this post is pretty close to home. Thanks for challenging me to be more honest, but also to get a bigger fill of His love, so my honest thoughts of others are ones I'm not ashamed to share.

    Also, I can totally imagine Lucy doing that - it would be hilarious! :) Sorry for the late comment.

    1. No worries, Jessica - I really appreciate the thoughtful comment. The episode of I Love Lucy really hit close to home for me personally - especially since I've always struggled with lying. To realize that I'm not always honest with those close to me really made me rethink how I go about my day-to-day life.


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