
Photo Haul ~ Nature Child + Life

7:19 AM

Hola readers!
I dabble in photography and sometimes I come across a really, really, satisfying shoot. Over Christmas break my cousins and sisters decided to try and do some pics for The Crownless King, and I ended up being extremely happy with them.
I'm going to use these to help promo my book's release in September and on my insta, and for aesthetics when I decided to try and get some character intros up on the blog.
So presenting a photo haul of completely raw edited pics inspired by my current work in progress and titled

nature child 

How come the friends and the foes invisible
Are the ones that made my soul most miserable?
Head's reeling from the feeling
In my mind but I feel it in the physical
Why's the sunlight hiding?
Ain't letting any light in
It's a storm that I've been fighting
Switchfoot, Voices 

“Fear claims us all in the end,” Tirich said bitterly. “It decides our actions and chooses who we will become.” 
“But we make that choice,” Sabriel said. “We don’t have to let it.”
The Crownless King, Kara

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.
Martin Luther King Jr. 

they didn’t realize that the lass could penetrate the darkest of hearts
if only they let her in. -- The Crownless King

Editing, lots of editing. I am 50% done and feeling so accomplished 
Working (always)
Listening to lots of rock music 
Excited because Skillet is coming only half an hour away this spring -- how does this happen??!
And editing
some more
and more
and coffee
and homemade chai tea
and more edits
and watching 90s television
and more edits

All my free time has been consumed by editing in other words. I basically bury myself in my room after work and don't come out. 
I'm taking this morning off to type this post and go with my sister to check out a college...
and then come home.
And edit. 
And maybe watch a comedy to take my mind off the fact that need to plan a battle, betray a couple people, and sharpen my sword because blood will be spilled this night. 
Stay tuned for a character intro in the next couple of days once I've regained some brain juice and can actually think about something other then edits. 

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14 of your thoughts

  1. Editing is the pits at most times, lol. BUT I BELIEVE IN YOU!

    Also, I want to go to a Skillet concert SO BAD.

    1. YES YES TO SKILLET! I've been a fan since I was twelve so this is a dream come true for me.

  2. Beautiful pics, Kara! :)

    The samples you put in there of your book-very dramatic and oh my goodness, just simply beautiful my dear cousin! It'll be exciting to read the actual full book! You are gifted!

    Love you bunches and see you soon!

    1. Aw thanks girl!!!!! And of course the photos are beautiful -- I had beautiful models. *Hugs*

  3. Love those pics, Kara!!! Can't wait for the Crownless King's release!!!
    Love you, Kara!!!

    1. Love you too!!!!! Cannot wait to meet up again soon!

  4. Love all those photos!! Super neat!


    1. Thanks girl!!!!! It was so much fun to take them. <3

  5. These photos are gorgeous!! Looking forwards to seeing them again when The Crownless Prince comes out!!

    1. THANK YOU!! I love them so much so you def will see them again haha.

  6. awesome photography, Kara! and for the editing, keep it up, you got this!!!!

  7. And a side note, what type of rock music do you like?

    1. Thanks Evan! I love lots of different kinds. Skillet, Demon Hunter, Thousand Foot Krutch, Disciple, Starset, I like a couple songs by Sixx.am, and Nickelback, and Devour the Day for sure! =)


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