
Where Was I? {A Picture Post}

7:28 AM

Hola readers! It's been a fun past two weeks and yes, I've missed blogging but I've been busy, but I wouldn't swap having a sleepover with one of my best friends for the world! She lives a state away and we've only met in person once (she's one of those incredible people you meet in the internet world but want to meet in person ASAP).
We had a good three days, full of laughter, a few episodes of When Calls the Heart, board games, and a day of swimming.
And as you know, I'm not big on posting life's pictures. Maybe because my life tends to be on the boring side or perhaps because I'm too lazy to actually wait for the pictures to download. Either way, here is rare look at my time with Naomi (check out her blog for sure here!) and my sisters....

video chatting with another very good friend Alyssa 

What has been going on in your life? How is your summer of late?
Be on the lookout for these upcoming posts!

• We Aren't Committed
• Like a River From Its Course {Book Review}
• Quote Tag
• Sherlocky Things

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