
Story Snippets #1 [Intro Into My Pinterest Storyboards]

7:59 AM

Hola readers!
As many of you probably don't know, I am a writer of fiction in the fantasy genre. I've been writing fantasy since High School and I realize that if I want to get published - as is my dream - I want to gain a solid readership beforehand as well as let my amazing readers here on Saved by Grace, know about what I do other then type up blog posts once a week.
Story Snippets will be a fun series to add to my blog (Kara's Confessions) still being a thing, as well as an upcoming interview with young future missionaries coming up next week. So be on the lookout for that because this couple is amazing - I've been following their story on facebook and you'll love them!


The Broken Prince
"In the fairytales the maiden always falls in love with the prince...but this time, she has to murder him."

The Broken Prince is my favorite book I've written and completed (as in first drafts). I'm currently working on the second draft and by October I will be on the third and last before I'm in search of beta readers and an editor. It's a a YA piece that deals with issues such as depression, self-hate, regret - all real feelings we as young adults struggle with today. It's a story of redemption, of love, of letting go of everyone's expectations. PLUS I love the prince. 

When Darkness Rises
The world as he knows it is changing

This is one book I sent into an agent who said it had potential but currently my genre wasn't something he was in the market for. I was a bit relieved since I don't think this one is ready to get published and I came to realize that it still needs work done, but I do love the cast of characters - it's just the main character who needs the work. 

A Study With Terminal 

This is a suspense genre and not fantasy which is why I never got past the first chapter or made a sales handle like I did for the rest. It's Sherlock Holmes remake except in modern times with Sherlock's great great great (I lost count of all the greats) nephew and John's great great grandson meeting in America and coming together to solve a mystery. I thought it'd be fun to try since I'm a huge huge Sherlock Holmes fan, plus I've never seen any good YA Sherlock Holmes recreations in modern time. The storyboard link has more of an explanation of what I'd like to do instead of me explaining it here since I didn't get very far.

The Wood Between Time
In a wood where time is nonexistent, two kids must befriend children from times past and present to same themselves before time actually happens, keeping them in the wood forever. 

This one is inspired from a dream I had and I've never gone beyond the first chapter but it's more of a fantasy - not dystopian. It dwells in a wood where nothing but trees and a house exists and about six children from all different time periods are thrown together. Issues such as racial segregation made this a hard book for me to write since I have to have a reasonable amount of knowledge about each time period the kids are from - plus it's a children's book which I have no former experience in. 

Through Darker Waters
She found herself a murderer. She found herself wanting to find home. She found... the meaning of redemption. 

Most of my books (I've found) come with heavy-handed issues and this one is not the exception. It's based in the real world and I hate research so this on is on the backburner. I love the ocean though and this one is based on a ship with a run away girl who falls in love with the captain of the ship she became a stowaway on. One of my favorite book ideas yet!

Those are my main storyboards where I pin the most, though I also have others such as "Clothing" for my medieval setting, "Places," etc and Pinterest has become a useful tool for my writing. 
Do you write? I'd love to hear what you're currently plotting!

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3 of your thoughts

  1. "The Wood Between Time" sounds like super exciting. I need to make these pinterest boards because I've thought about doing them before (I have a really great writer friend who has them and actually based like thousands of words off of them) so maybe this will be motivation to do just that. I just followed your blog from my new blog account, laurenelizabethmcguire.blogspot.com, so I would appreciate if you would check out my blog and follow along!

    1. It does help expand your story and a lot of my scenes, characters, plots, etc, come from my Pinterest boards that I don't think I could have come up with otherwise. Plus they're super fun!!!
      Thanks for the update - I'll be sure to check out your new account!

  2. Sounds like a lot of amazing stories! I would love to beta read, if you still need more people. And I love your "laugh" Pinterest board :)



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