Book Review: Thinking Like a Boss from Kate Crocco

7:00 AM

Maybe you feel the pull to start a business but deep down you're afraid that you don't have what it takes. Maybe you have a great idea but wonder if you're actually qualified to make it happen. 
Kate Crocco exposes the 12 limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your true potential, such as
- I should have it all together and I don't
- I'm not ready or qualified to start
- I don't have enough time
- It's already been done before
- and more

With plenty of inspiring true stories and actionable steps you can take--starting now.

I am my own boss.
I never thought about it that way before as an author, but because I make some money from my books, I am indeed my own boss. Lately I've become worn down by this title. I write at home and therefore my work never leaves me. It's a humbling and sometimes exhausting fact.
BUT Thinking Like a Boss gave me hope and a refreshing viewpoint of being your own boss. She reminds us before striving to work full time one day at home, the ones with two or three jobs, those with kids and those staying at home, that we CAN DO IT.

I loved her talking about keeping a schedule...or not and why both can be important depending on your lifestyle. She attacks the lies that can make you want to give up, sharing from her own personal experience. LIES: 
We should feel guilty for making money
we don't have the full support of our family or friends
 we simply don't have enough hours in the day

I didn't think I would enjoy this book, as it first came across as a little dry. But the further I delved, the more I realized how relevant it was for me even as a small writer.
If you're looking for a book with ideas on how to move forward, this one doesn't give you many. Kate is here to defeat the lies holding you back and while she offers advice, like being ok with failing or promises there are indeed enough time in the day, she doesn't always offer solutions: only the encouragement to find them for ourselves.
While sometimes her advice is cliche and has been used before, her frank voice was a refreshing change. Recommended to anyone out there wanting to make money on their own be that a twenty year old or fifty year old wanting to try again...and again....and again....
Because Kate reminds us that we should NEVER give up.

Note: I got a free book from the publisher and this review is my own personal thoughts. I was not forced or entitled to write this

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2 of your thoughts

  1. Ooh, sounds like it might be worth the read! Also your new header is SO PRETTY!! *heart eyes*


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