
Four Of My Favorite Newish Bands This Fall

7:29 AM

Hola readers!
I'm a big music person. I'll listen to tons of new songs from random bands that come up on my recommended on youtube, and I've actually found some "newish" bands that I really enjoy taking the time and listening to. They inspire me in my walk with God and I wanted to share them with you.

Fate Under Fire

I found this all guy band on UP TV one morning and I love them. They're not labeled as Christian  but I enjoy a lot of their songs and they give a blend of covers and some of their own songs. They are more  an indie band and appeared on the scene in 2013, but I just learned about them a few months ago.
I love their own version of I Lived but On The Water is my favorite.

This lovely band An Epic No Less is a mixture of Owl City and worship, and I could listen to them all day. Echo of Love blows me away but they have a lot of other good stuff. Owl City fans rejoice and check these guys out because the lead vocalist is very similar. I don't know for sure when the band became a thing. Google tells me 2009 but youtube, 2012.

Hannah Kerr

A lady from my church shared this singer with me after seeing her at a Casting Crowns concert over the summer. She burned me a few of her songs and I am loving Warrior ! The song sounds a bit like Taylor Swift in Safe and Sound but I just love Hannah's beautiful voice in general. I definitely think she deserves to be on the radio if she isn't already

I found these guys (Zealand Worship) on random because they just released their EP and I'm in love with them. They have one of the most beautiful songs ever in Your Love Is Wild and I think I've listened to it over ten times since finding it on youtube yesterday. They define an amazing worship band and I love them. 

Have you heard any of these bands before? What is a few of your favorite newish bands that you've been hitting 'play' to this fall or just four of your favorite current bands?

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