Hola readers! I am now offically transitioned over to wordpress. If you would hed over there now and follow me, that would mean the world. I am still trying to figure out domains/urls but you will still find me @ www.thebeautifullybrokenblog.com H E R E Have a beautiful week readers and see you there! ...
*Long quiet silence* I never thought I would reach this point. I always held true to blogger as my first platform. I've made beautiful friendships and wonderful memories. I never saw a reason to leave. But this is a post to say goodbye to Beautifully Broken as of here. I am moving to Wordpress for several reasons, one being that a lot more...
Hola my amazing readers! The Crownless King updates is here yet again, because amazing news y'all -- the preorder for the ebook is here!!!!! On Amazon. For you. And I have some goodies if you preorder: 1. A map from my storyworld courtesy of my sister 2. A Milosh drawing courtesy of my amazing friend Kara (she also has an amazing name ;)...