Interview With Charles Thomas [On Combating Type 1 Diabetes, being a PK, and Trusting God]
8:27 AMHola readers!
This is one of another exciting interviews I'm planning on having here on the blog, this one being with my teenage brother Charles Thomas who's been fighting diabetes since he was diagnosed July of last year.
I know there's a lot of confusion with Type 1 vs. Type 2, as well as confusion about diabetes overall, and I wanted to give you a look in the life of someone who deals with it every day.
1. Tell my readers a little bit about you: My name is Charles Thomas and I'm a teenager who wants to follow Christ. My favorite type of music is rock (like Skillet or Switchfoot) and I will drink anything with caffeine in it.
2. So a little over a year ago you found out you have type 1 diabetes - what was that like for you?
It was really scary to know that my life would be changing, like my eating habits, taking insulin, and not being able to eat a lot of candy. I was also really confused with all the doctors were telling me, such as how and when to take my insulin. I started out taking it after each meal and before bed as well as having to check my sugar level before each meal.
3. How did you find out about your diabetes?
My mom noticed that I was losing a lot of weight and was drinking a lot of water [two major symptoms for type 1], so she asked my grandmother to check my blood sugar level. That's when we found out that it was over 300, which is really high. Then I went to the ER and was rushed by ambulance to another hospital a few hours away.
4. Did you have any complications with your diabetes?
No, I don't any. They checked my heart and a bunch of other stuff and I'm good.
5. How has life changed for you?
I'm not able to eat a lot of high carb foods or drink sugary drinks. My mom has researched natural supplements that keep my blood sugar down naturally so I don't have to [inject] large amounts of insulin. Its also hard to gain back the weight that I lost.
6. How did your faith in God help you through this - at first - very scary time?
I knew that God was watching over me even in the hospital, and no matter what happened God was right there with me.
7. Were you ever extremely frustrated at being the one chosen to walk this journey?
I get frustrated when I keeping sticking myself [with needles] and always having to watch what I eat, but I know that if I keep doing what I'm doing, them my blood sugar will stay good.
8. Now that it's been over a year, do you feel you've grown from this?
Yes. I've learned to eat a little bit healthier and how to avoid artificial sweeteners like Splenda. I've learned that Splenda is really bad for you and it's possible that it can cause tons of other complications with your body - even when you don't have diabetes. Instead I use natural sweeteners like fructose, stevia, and others.
9. Is there anything else you'd like people to know about diabetes?
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are two different things. Type 1 runs in our family (my grandfather had it), and with type 1 your sugar can go up or down, but with type 2, people usually get it from being overweight or certain medications.
10. And because every interview should have a more fun question, you're the main character in the last movie you watched. Who are you and how do you relate to them?
I would be Luke from "Stars Wars: The Empire Strikes Back," and I relate to him a little bit but not that much. But I really don't know how haha.
11. There's usually a book or song that impacts us deeply: Is there something that has really impacted your walk with God?
For some reason, "I Won't Let You Go," by Switchfoot. The lyrics talk about God never letting us go no matter what.
12. On a new topic, you're a Pastor's Kid - what's that like?
It's hard because we're so busy and because our church is so small. A lot falls on us, but I love being involved in the church and getting there early!
Since our Dad is a pastor we've got to weddings and bridge dedications, and we've got to meet lots of different people. Our dad picks up hitch hikers and invites them to church and it can be very interesting. One guy walks down the street wearing a Medieval coat while listening to music on his cell phone with earbuds!
↖ Charles Thomas 101 ↗
- Favorite TV Show: Sherlock BBC
- Favorite song: Currently "Hard Love" from NeedToBreath and "I Won't Let You Go" by Switchfoot
- Three Fictional Characters That Describe Your Personality: John Watson from Sherlock, Merry from LOTR and Danny from Full House
- Favorite book: If I'm Found by Terri Blackstock
- Favorite way to spend time with Jesus: Outside with nature
- Favorite Bible verse: "I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14
If you have a question about diabetes feel free to comment below and Charles Thomas will try to answer it. Also check out his wacky comic strip blog he shares with our brother Josiah here!
And before I sign out I'd also like to note what Charles Thomas didn't: since getting diabetes last year his doctor has said that he's doing extremely well and his sugar levels are like a pre diabetic. So what's he's been doing has been doing him a lot of good - he's trying to fight type 1 the natural way: prayer, supplements and healthy eating and I for one think it's paying off.
4 of your thoughts
Awesome interview Kara and Charles Thomas!!!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you both very much!
Awesome interview!!! I'll be praying you outgrow your diabetes, Charles Thomas. God bless you, Kara and Charles Thomas!!!:)
ReplyDeleteOne brave bro you have! I like his positive attitude and honesty with sharing his experiences. :) It was good to get a glimpse into life with diabetes - it's not something anyone close to me has, so I'm not really familiar with it. Thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteI agree - my brother is very brave and I'm super proud of him! <3
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