
How I'm Doing In Nano+Sneak Look

7:41 AM

Hola readers!
I decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month despite the fact that I'm not actually keeping a very good word count, am determined to write it all out by hand, and have the mind set of only 25,000 words. I'm writing a non fiction book encouraging Christian Young Adults to following their calling and stepping out of their comfort zone, but so far my progress is embarrassing with a 2,000 some word count. I am happy to say though, that I'm somewhere despite my lack of motivation.

Honestly I don't think I'm cut out to write a book in a month because that's just not my thing, but it has encouraged me to get out there and write no matter how I feel at the moment-and that's a good thing, because I'm a procrastinator at heart!
So without further ado-a brief sneak peek at my little progress....

Prayer works. It's more then a ritual that get's us what we want. Prayer is a deep, meaningful conversation with the God who created wisdom itself.

|| One of the definitions of revival is 'renewed vigor and restoration'. I think we need a renewed vigor for the Lord, our lives restored by the love of Jesus, and that can only happen through prayer. ||

One of my major downfalls in life is not being willing to change. I see a need for the world to turn to God, but often miss how I'm swaying. 

Are you doing Nanowrimo this year and having better progress then me? What is your novel about? I'd love to chat!

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5 of your thoughts

  1. Hey Kara! How are you doing?

    I actually decided that NaNoWriMo wasn't the best thing for me this year, I honestly don't have enough time, and I was sure it was going to take time from God and from my blogging and other hobbies, which I don't even have time for now.

    I hope to try NaNo next year, maybe.

    Have a good week! :)

    With love and all joy,
    Allie D.

    1. Hey I'm great-busy but doing good. How is your lovely self? It's great to hear from you!
      I understand on not having time-believe me it's one reason I almost didn't do Nano and another reason I only have 2,000 words. It's awesome though that you're keeping your priorities in check Allie! Making sure you put God first is super important. ♥

  2. Hullo, Kara!

    Your progress so far sounds wonderful-- I'm so excited to read the finished product!
    I've never done NaNoWriMo before; maybe one year I will. :)

    Hope you having a brilliant and smashing experience and finish strong! You have this!

    Love, S. F.

  3. Wow, your book sounds so good! I'm looking forward to reading it someday. :) And good on you for determining to write it by hand! I really like that idea. Keep up the good work (because two thousand words definitely still counts :)!

    1. Thank you-I hope it's as good as my favorite quotes make it out to be haha.
      Writing it by hand is just something I wanted to do since digital is what the norm is, and I get tired of all the screen time (I'm just old fashioned like that).
      Thank you for commenting Jessica! It always brightens my day. ♥


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