7:08 AM

Hola readers!

It is less than a month until The Broken Prince hits Amazon. The feeling is a bit surreal and I almost cannot imagine that it's possible. When I chose June third for the date, it was at random. I wanted something earlier but I convinced myself I would need the time.
And I most certainly did.
Choosing June third has given me time to plan and create and in general take a much needed breather from writing.
I've had some people ask if I plan on selling signed copies of The Broken Prince. I had never considered the possibility (go ahead and label me a bad planner or maybe being an author just hasn't sunk in yet?).
So in considering this question, I have decided to go very far out on a limb and sell a very limited amount of The Broken Prince signed copies. They will be marked at nearly the same price as the Amazon listing price, but unlike Amazon, the price will include shipping.
Would you like to pre-order a limited time only The Broken Prince (signed!!!!) copy? Each copy will be shipped about two weeks following the official release of my novel June third.
To sum this all up:

The Broken Prince
this includes you just pay twelve dollars. (I'm sorry, this is for US residents only)
+if I actually know you and can give you this book without shipping it, the cost will be slightly less so there's that...

If you are one of the people who asked for a signed copy (or weren't and would like one anyway), comment below with your e-mail (the comment will not be published) and I will shoot you the details ASAP.

Have a beautiful weekend, readers! I plan on working, running some Mother's Day errands, and when I get the chance, kicking back and clearing my head. It's been a crazy past couple of weeks!

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2 of your thoughts

  1. Ahhhh!! How exciting!! I would love to preorder you book...but probably won't be able to. :/ Mrgghh. I'll just have to wait and see if I can't buy a huge amount of Indie published books by all you young Christian authors all at the same time (and hopefully this year!).

    Congrats on the upcoming release/publish etc. Oh, and by the way - the day your book releases is the day my blog officially releases!! What a coincidence!! xD

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    1. Aw no problem -- completely understand!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 And how cool -- congrats on your blog release! That is super exciting. *Hugs*


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