
Changes Coming For Saved By Grace [Name Changer]

8:29 AM

Hola readers!

I couldn't get it out of my mind that a name change should come to this little blog of mine. I've tried to ignore it - I mean, after all, it's not like something's changed. I'm still saved by Grace and Grace alone, the whole reason I made Saved by Grace in the first place.
However, sometimes God intervenes and I knew I needed to change it. I'm always changing different things about this blog - the series' I have going on, the header, the layout, etc, but the name, to me, is harder. I love the name, I love proclaiming who saved me with my blog's name.
But I've changed since I was  a young teen in 2012. I've been taken places I never thought I'd go, felt things I never thought I'd feel. I've matured and seen this broken world as well as all it's beauty.
So therefore, this blog is now becoming:

↠ Beautifully Broken ↞

This has become my mantra throughout these last few years. I'm broken every day and every day Jesus lovingly takes me into His arms and promises that one day He will heal me.

One day.

That's a promise I cannot wait for him to keep when I go to be with Him. It's my anthem for life, the message I want my books to proclaim that I hope to one day publish. It's a call to see ourselves as broken, yet beautiful in Christ. When we become broken before the Lord, it's a beautiful thing. When we let the world see our brokenness and the beauty of Christ in it - how He saved us -  it's such a proclamation. I'm broken people: messed-up, misfit, awkward, scared human. I'm broken and I need fixed and that's something this place can't do for me. But Christ came and saved me despite the junk and through Him, I'm beautifully broken.
With Him I can see beauty in my brokenness. In my brokenness I need saving - Christ's saving. If I was perfect, if the world was perfect, I wouldn't need Him like I do now, cling to Him like I need to.
It's scary, changing the name of my blog. I'm not comfortable with it. I'm not used to major changes, and telling me the new name of my blog will take some getting use to.

But I think it's the right thing.

What do you think of the name change? I'd love to hear your thoughts on being beautifully broken!

Note: A vlog may or may not come soon on this topic as well as a possible Bible study I'm planning with the name change!

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14 of your thoughts

  1. That is beautiful Kara, I relate so much to what you say about being broken. Wow heart touched...God Bless you on the journey and I absolutely love the name change. (Even though I'm quite new here! But I'll be hanging around :)

    Anna | www.worldthroughherheart.blogspot.com

    1. Aww thank you for joining the Beautifully Broken "Fellowship" as it says on my followers button!!!
      God bless you too Anno - I've read your blog and really enjoy it.

  2. What a lovely name! It fits perfectly! <3

  3. ohh myy this post was so beautiful <3
    love the new header and all

    1. Thank you Ayra Lynn - the header is of my baby sister Kailin and she always makes me smile. <3

  4. Yes, Kara. I agree. We are all beautifully broken, and I love the name!

    1. We are ALL broken, but it's a beautiful thing - I'm glad we agree on the name. <3

  5. I agree-we are all beautifully broken, and I love the name!!!

  6. So proud of you for stepping out and making the change! I know it would be hard. I really like the message of your new name, and the way you shared about it. A Bible study and vlog on the topic sounds great!

    1. Aww thank you Jessica! I'm looking forward to the blog and Bible study. <3

  7. Hullo! I just wanted to hop in and say that I think the new title fits your blog perfectly. I always feel inspired when I read your posts. <3

    1. Hey - I miss you and talking to you!!!!! Thanks so much S.F! You. Are. Amazing.


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