
Story Snippets #2

7:26 AM

Hola readers!
I don't know if you know this or not, but recently I've become active on the social media site, Instagram with the intent to promote my book The Broken Prince as well as other manuscripts in the future. I'm working hard to become a published author, my first step being the editing stage (which is happening with a real editor, not just myself) as well as promoting. I think both will help me in finding an agent or small publishing house or self-publishing.
Either way, every once and awhile I'll drop a post in with a collection of the snippets and pictures I post on instagram for all you who may not be part of the site...

A post shared by Kara Lynn (@beautifully_broken_writer) on

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3 of your thoughts

  1. Wowowow, this seems so interesting...I sense redemption themes and anything medieval grabs my attention instantly. I really want to hear more about this Kara! <333 (that last picture with the snippet held my eye for a long time, something about it really struck me as relatable <3)

    1. WOW thank you for YOUR fangirling. It made my day and I'm so sorry I posted your comment so late! <3 <3 <3

  2. I'm so excited to read your books! :)


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